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Product Features

Geo-Location of Meters

Geo-Location of Meters

Geo location can be immensely helpful when it comes to finding fixed assets.  By using geo-tagging, it is easy to track the exact location of an asset and determine exactly where it is located on a map.  Reducing costs, streamline operations and improve overall efficiency.

Automated Billing

Automated Billing

Automated billing can help reduce overhead, labor, and administrative costs.  Faster payment processing can improve cash flow, saves time and resources allowing you to focus on core business tasks.

Utility Recovery Reports

Utility Recovery Reports

The use of recovery reports in utilities like water and electricity brings numerous advantages to both service providers and customers. Firstly, it helps to identify and reduce wastage, which in turn leads to better cost management. By analyzing the recovery rates and losses in a particular period, service providers can seek ways to optimize their operations and prevent any future leaks or faults that may cause losses to the utility. This also has a positive impact on the environment with regards to resource conservation.

Utility Consumption Monitoring

Utility Consumption Monitoring

Near real-time consumption monitoring is an essential tool to identify unusual patterns in consumption automatically.  Additionally, near real-time consumption monitoring helps reduce peak loads by encouraging consumers to shift their usage to off-peak hours.

Alerts for Bursts, Leaks, Dry & Reverse

Alerts for Bursts, Leaks, Dry & Reverse

Receiving alerts for bursts, leaks, dry and reverse flow offer various advantages in terms of ensuring the safety and efficiency of a water reticulation system. Timely detection of leaks or bursts helps to prevent significant financial losses due to wasted resources or infrastructure damage. These alerts are essential in curbing non-revenue water.  Additionally, alerts for dry or reverse flow allow for proactive measures to be taken in ensuring reduced downtime and maximizing productivity. Overall, receiving alerts for these types of issues is crucial in maintaining a safe, efficient and cost effective reticulation system.

SMS / Email Notifications

SMS / Email Notifications

This technology empowers customers to optimize their operations, provide timely and reliable service, and meet the growing demands of today's world.

Tenant Management

Tenant Management

A tenant management software is a valuable tool that allows property managers to efficiently manage their properties and tenants. The tool helps in maintaining accurate tenant records and enabling communication with tenants through the software and tenant mobile app. This leads to an increasing efficiency, and improving communication with tenants, making it an essential tool for modern property managers.

Utility Dashboarding

Utility Dashboarding

Dashboards serve as an excellent overview for utilities. Dashboards provide consumers with detailed insights and analytics of their usage patterns, enabling them to make informed decisions on controlling their utility expenditures. The use of a dashboard as an overview for utilities brings various benefits to consumers, facilitating greater efficiency and control over their consumption.

Billing Data Export

Billing Data Export

Using a csv file containing billing data as an import into an ERP system offers numerous advantages, the most significant of which is the time-saving aspect. Manually entering billing information into an ERP system can be tedious and time-consuming, taking up valuable time that could be spent on other tasks. However, by using a csv file, the data can be quickly and easily imported into the 3rd party system, significantly reducing the time needed for data entry. This not only saves time but also reduces errors and improves efficiency. Overall, using a csv file for billing data import is a smart choice for organizations looking to streamline their processes and maximize their productivity.

Remote Disconnect

Remote Disconnect

Remotly diconnect uses up to 100A at full load.

Driver Development

Driver Development

Developing software drivers for specific hardware components brings numerous benefits to the overall platform functionlity.  Contact us if you would like to discuss the connection of your devices to Realty On Record.


Our Partners

Collaborating in various ways, such as gateways, water meters and electrical meters for Realty on Record.